Haley Hendershot Malone!

User Experience Research Lead, Cardinal Health

Haley has over 8 years of industry experience helping clients uncover their true customer needs and chart a course to meet them where they are. She has a bachelors of science in design from the Ohio State University and believes that good design tells a story and exists to serve the needs of real people. Haley regularly gives presentations, facilitates clients’ journeys to UX research operations maturity, works closely with executive level personnel to demonstrate the value of a research first approach and mentors junior UX professionals. Haley has given presentations at nationally recognized technology conferences such as Grace Hopper and Codemash. When not working, Haley is an overly ambitious chef, Netflix binger, unabashed dog lover, and theoretical ghost hunter.

I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost Products: A human centered approach to breathe life into unused products

Have you ever encountered software that you dread using? How about a digital experience that was difficult to use? Or perhaps you’ve experienced a digital product that was created with good intentions but now sits on the proverbial shelf collecting dust? You aren’t alone; according to a new study conducted by software lifecycle information firm, 1E, more than $30 billion is wasted annually on unused software in the U.S. alone (1). But how do we, as technology professionals, help our digital products become something that users enjoy interacting with? In this interactive session, we’ll cover the concept of ghost products, how you can identify them, steps you can take to improve them to aid in adoption, and how to mitigate any future products you work on coming back to haunt you.

11:00 AM

Sith (Live 3, Simul 1, 2)